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We make an order for you: types of protein and what is important to know about them

In order to get the most out of your physical training and get the best results, you must be careful about consuming quality protein. This is exactly why it is worth knowing several types of protein and what is important to know about them Many of us understand the importance of protein to our body, […]

In order to get the most out of your physical training and get the best results, you must be careful about consuming quality protein. This is exactly why it is worth knowing several types of protein and what is important to know about them

Many of us understand the importance of protein to our body, especially when it comes to exercisers who want to gain quality results at the physical level. To do this they must persevere in maintaining a careful nutritional menu that includes an adequate amount of protein, one of the most prominent cornerstones that nourish our body as well as the muscular system.

But not everyone is aware that there are several types of protein, from which we can choose when needed. What is everyone’s contribution to us? How can we get it? We have tried to give you an answer to these questions and more.

Whey protein ( Whey )

It is the highest quality and most popular protein for many athletes. The source of the protein is in the milk, when during the process of turning the milk into cheese, it is separated from the rest of the ingredients. Its dissolution in water helps it to be well absorbed by the body, without any side effects.

Whey protein also has the highest concentration of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). These oxidize quickly in the skeletal muscles, and help in the processes of rehabilitation and recovery, including for the benefit of developing muscle mass (hypertrophy) and changing the composition of the body.

Much of the protein powders are based on whey, and are in high demand among the athlete community, given the fact that they are low in fat and carbohydrates.

Casein protein

Casein is the main protein component in cow’s milk, which constitutes about 80% of the total protein in it. It contains a high concentration of amino acids that help synthesize muscle protein, and is considered the highest quality anti-catabolic protein of all proteins, as it protects our muscle system from breaking down around the clock.

The notable advantage of using casein-containing supplements lies in the relatively low fat concentration present in them. It is digested slowly in the digestive tract so that it nourishes the muscles over a longer period of time. This is also the reason why it is recommended to consume casein at night, in order to enjoy its effects during sleep.

Casein can be found mainly in cow’s milk or in various types of cheese, so it can be obtained quite easily through animal foods. For example, a cup of white cheese or cottage cheese (3% / 5%) of 250 ml contains about 20 grams of casein.

Egg protein (albumin)

A protein that originates in the egg only and has full biological value. Albumin contains important components for building and maintaining muscle, with an emphasis on the 8 amino acids required for our body.

However, it should be noted that it is rare to see athletes who rely on protein intake solely on albumin. If and when it is possible to combine albumin as part of a protein combination, which includes the two additional proteins together in a common mixture designed to enhance the anabolic element.

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