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The choice is yours: which protein powder is most recommended

It has many benefits – from weight loss, muscle mass development, maintaining proper daily functioning to maintaining our overall health. Still, it is time to try to answer the question that concerns a significant number of trainees in Israel – which protein powder is most recommended? Protein powder is considered not for nothing as a […]

It has many benefits – from weight loss, muscle mass development, maintaining proper daily functioning to maintaining our overall health. Still, it is time to try to answer the question that concerns a significant number of trainees in Israel – which protein powder is most recommended?

Protein powder is considered not for nothing as a nutritional supplement with added value, which allows many exercisers who engage in physical activity and want to achieve optimal results.

How do you ask? Protein powder actually becomes an integral part of the daily diet, thus helping us to reach the daily protein quota we need, along with protein that we consume through animal or plant foods.

In today’s era we are faced with many and varied choices in relation to protein powders of different types. Just for that, we tried to make you some order so that you can choose which protein powder is most recommended for you.

Whey Protein Powder ( WHEY )

Protein powder made from whey and contains a high percentage of protein, along with very low fat percentages. Whey protein powder contains all the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) essential to our body, while at the same time helping to supply available and fast protein immediately after exercise (in a period of time known as the “anabolic window”) while maintaining a low percentage of carbohydrate and fat. It is water-soluble and is offered to the training public in a wide variety of flavors.

Casein protein powder

A protein powder based on casein protein which is derived from milk which is slowly absorbed in the body’s muscular system, thus aiding the recovery and post-exercise recovery process. Casein plays a key role in preserving muscle tissue and how it is rebuilt. The slow release rate of casein’s amino acids leads experts to recommend consuming it before bed or as a substitute for a meal where you want a slow release of protein over several hours. Casein protein powder mixes easily and has a particularly delicious texture.

Soy protein powder

A quality powder that is a perfect solution for vegetarians or vegans who do not want to consume animal protein. Soy is a legume rich in protein and has high quality nutritional values, which help a feeling of satiety and promote metabolism in our body, along with also having a major role in toning and reducing fat percentage.

This protein powder is made from soybeans that contain a winning blend of the amino acid glutamine, which is necessary for the benefit of many processes that take place in our body, as well as for strengthening the immune system. This powder is ideal for trainees who want to build, rehabilitate and strengthen the muscular system in their body.

Pea protein powder

This protein powder is rich in the amino acid lysine and other branched chain (BCAA) acids. This product is considered a perfect solution for vegetarians and those who are sensitive to lactose, as it is used as an effective alternative to whey protein or other proteins, thanks to its helping factor in toning the body and feeling full.

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