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Balanced nutrition: 7 things to keep in mind when talking about nutrition

Lots of fruits and vegetables or maybe lots of protein? What should you have at home and especially what do you do when you are hungry or want something sweet? It’s all about a balanced diet We are sure that you have often heard the concept of a balanced diet and have read quite a […]

Lots of fruits and vegetables or maybe lots of protein? What should you have at home and especially what do you do when you are hungry or want something sweet? It’s all about a balanced diet

We are sure that you have often heard the concept of a balanced diet and have read quite a few articles about the right way to eat, give up certain products and especially to maintain a routine. Everything sounds great in articles and articles, but the routine of most of us is not always so orderly. We move between a jingle of home and work, a desire to exercise and cook, but in fact often find ourselves not enough to go shopping and snatch the next snack.

In short, if you also want to take care of your diet, but do not always manage to organize the agenda. Or you also want something sweet and do not know what to choose that will be delicious but also nutritious – this article is for you. It turns out that a few small changes and a few small rules that are relatively easy to implement, can make the difference.

Beginners – How to maintain a balanced diet:

Varieties: A balanced diet starts with variety, food is varied in colors and types of foods, in fact your plate should look different each time. Also varied in lots of fruits and vegetables in different colors. Fruits and vegetables are rich in minerals and vitamins and of course antioxidants. They give a feeling of satiety and help prevent disease and just as importantly – help with weight loss for those who need it.

Eat proteins: Cheeses, eggs and meat but also legumes and various nuts, are a source of protein. Proteins are one of the most important nutrients for the human body. They are cornerstones in the growth of children but also the building of different body parts in all of us (bones, muscles, hair, nails). The proteins are responsible for the immune system and metabolic processes and also for the appearance of our skin and more. Make sure you eat enough protein, it helps with satiety and is important in a balanced diet. It is worth remembering that there are many delicious products, which contain protein and can help with a feeling of satiety, for example Freud , a protein snack.

Recommendation – insert a link from the word proteins to an article about proteins

Do not forget about dietary fiber: Dietary fiber is a type of polysaccharide and comes from plants. Dietary fiber is not broken down in the digestive tract and is divided into two types:

  • Insoluble fibers, excreted from the body as they are, without decomposition.
  • Soluble fibers that gut bacteria know how to break down into compounds that are considered beneficial to health.

In other words, fiber maintains balance in the body, helps with satiety and prevents chronic inflammation in the body, as well as helps prevent diabetes, obesity and more. You can find them in whole grains, vegetables like cauliflower, nuts and more.

How many glasses of water did you drink today? Did you know that lack of fluids causes a decrease in function and in fact as we get older we drink less. Try to keep at least 8 glasses of drink a day and yes, water is better. If you want to diversify drink herbal tea infusions or natural juices. It is better to give up sweetened and carbonated drinks. The habit of drinking water is important and is one of the most important in an agenda and a balanced diet.

Plan your day: You probably know your agenda and know when you have time to eat and when you do not have time. If you plan ahead you can take with you available and satisfying food and not get to the end of the day hungry and stop at the nearest pizzeria. Planning ahead is the name of the game and will help you eat balanced. Put a water bottle and a box of nuts, almonds or an energy snack in your bag. Pay attention when you are hungry and make sure you eat.

Getting up from the chair: Our lives include too many hours of sitting and too few hours of activity. We sit in front of the computer, at work, in front of the TV screen and do not walk enough. Beyond initiated sports, you should get used to going up the stairs and not the elevator, going for a walk. You have small children – dance with them in front of the TV, go for a longer walk with the dog (he will thank you too) and in simple words you will start to zoom

Something sweet is allowed: we said a balanced diet and a balanced diet does not prevent us from eating, it is simply balanced. True chocolate, ice cream and lots of sugar are not recommended in quantities, but it is also important to find delicious things and make sure they are available. You can also find a sweet snack in the form of dates or a protein snack which is a successful answer to the need for sweet and nutritious because it contains protein and less sugars. You can find this pampering sweet for example in Freud’s protein snack, which meets the need to snack or enjoy and still not compromise on your choice

And the most thought-provoking rule of course is to try to adopt something small every time and change your lifestyle slowly. If you do at least one thing from the list every day, you have already earned.

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