It’s all about Protein
From the plant or from the animal? Do men really need more protein than women? And why it should not be given up in our diet. It’s all about proteins Let’s start with the bottom line – proteins are one of the cornerstones of the body and we need them. The grandmothers were right – […]
From the plant or from the animal? Do men really need more protein than women? And why it should not be given up in our diet. It’s all about proteins
Let’s start with the bottom line – proteins are one of the cornerstones of the body and we need them. The grandmothers were right – the proteins are responsible for the growth of the body but also contribute to a normal immune system, muscle development and even the growth of hair and nails.
We get proteins from different sources. Meat, chicken and fish are one source of quality proteins but you can also find proteins in legumes, (soy lentils and chickpeas and more) nuts and sesame seeds and even in wheat and rice.
Protein is actually an organic compound made up of a folded chain of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. The function of a protein depends very much on the strength of its structure, and this structure is obtained by the exact array of amino acids that make it up. If all this is Chinese for you we will try to simplify things, because it is still important to understand what we are putting in our mouths.
The protein is made up of units called amino acids. Some of these acids the body cannot produce on its own and therefore needs them in food. Some proteins contain complete protein – which includes all amino acids and some contain only some.
How much protein should we eat per day?
Here the answer is complex. It depends on whether you are very active and exercising or less, and also what your body weight is. It is customary to treat about 0.8-1 grams of protein per kilogram of body as the recommended amount of protein. But people who exercise regularly should consume a larger amount, which also depends on the type of training and the number of times / training time. If you are exercising or want to increase muscle mass, double your body weight by about 1.5-2 grams of protein per kilogram and this is the answer to the desired amount.
But wait, that does not mean that you are now eating all 70 grams of protein in one meal. In order to maintain muscle mass and in general for the protein to be well absorbed, it is important to spread the protein intake in meals throughout the day in small portions and not just after a workout or one meal.
חלבון מהחי או מהצומח?
The answer to the question of which protein is better goes through your lifestyle. It is important for us to note that good proteins can be found in any of the choices. If you are a vegetarian you can get the amount of protein from legumes. If you do not avoid animal foods you can consume eggs, milk and of course meat. It is always advisable to choose products that have a high protein value, but less fat.
Need reasons to eat more protein?
Burns more calories : to be precise our body makes good use of the protein we eat compared to carbohydrates or fats and sugars.
Satisfactory: In most people the protein causes a greater feeling of satiety than carbohydrates or sugars and of course over time.
Muscle building: If you want to build muscle mass it’s time to eat protein.
Protein supplements:
We realized that protein is important, now the question is do we need protein supplements, other than meals? I.e. do you need protein powders or other supplements. The answer is complex because if you are exercising and are not able to reach a sufficient level of nutrition – it is recommended to add. But it is important not to overdo the amount of protein per day, beyond the recommendations.
Many companies market protein-enriched products that allow for available and quick eating immediately after a workout. Note that the product you choose does not have, in addition to protein, also large additions of sugars. Freud’s protein bars, for example, are high in protein and whey and low in sugars. Proud protein snacks come in different sizes, to suit your different needs and to eat at different times. All of these make them the perfect snack after a workout or while wanting to snack
There are supplements based on the protein found in whey. If this sounds strange to you, you should know that the rating of the biological value of whey protein is higher than the rating of an egg. Surprised? We too, because they always explained to us that egg is the perfect protein. Another advantage of whey protein is its relatively fast absorption rate in the body. So if you have found a snack that contains whey – recommend going for it.
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